Article for Message ID:   ZFS-8000-72

Corrupted pool metadata






The metadata required to open the pool is corrupt.

Automated Response

No automated response will be taken.


The pool is no longer available

Suggested Action for System Administrator

Even though all the devices are available, the on-disk data has been corrupted such that the pool cannot be opened. If a recovery action is presented, the pool can be returned to a usable state. Otherwise, all data within the pool is lost, and the pool must be destroyed and restored from an appropriate backup source. ZFS includes built-in metadata replication to prevent this from happening even for unreplicated pools, but running in a replicated configuration will decrease the chances of this happening in the future.

If this error is encountered during 'zpool import', see the section below. Otherwise, run 'zpool status -x' to determine which pool is faulted and if a recovery option is available:

# zpool status -x
  pool: test
    id: 13783646421373024673
 state: FAULTED
status: The pool metadata is corrupted and cannot be opened.
action: Recovery is possible, but will result in some data loss.
        Returning the pool to its state as of Mon Sep 28 10:24:39 2009
        should correct the problem.  Approximately 59 seconds of data
        will have to be discarded, irreversibly.  Recovery can be
        attempted by executing 'zpool clear -F test'.  A scrub of the pool
        is strongly recommended following a successful recovery.

        NAME                  STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        test                  FAULTED      0     0     2  corrupted data
            c0t0d0            ONLINE       0     0     2
            c0t0d1            ONLINE       0     0     2

If recovery is unavailable, the recommended action will be:

action: Destroy the pool and restore from backup.

If this error is encountered during 'zpool import', and if no recovery option is mentioned, the pool is unrecoverable and cannot be imported. The pool must be restored from an appropriate backup source. If a recovery option is available, the output from 'zpool import' will look something like the following:

# zpool import share
cannot import 'share': I/O error
        Recovery is possible, but will result in some data loss.
        Returning the pool to its state as of Sun Sep 27 12:31:07 2009
        should correct the problem.  Approximately 53 seconds of data
        will have to be discarded, irreversibly.  Recovery can be
        attempted by executing 'zpool import -F share'.  A scrub of the pool
        is strongly recommended following a successful recovery.

Recovery actions are requested with the -F option to either 'zpool clear' or 'zpool import'. Recovery will result in some data loss, because it reverts the pool to an earlier state. A dry-run recovery check can be performed by adding the -n option, affirming if recovery is possible without actually reverting the pool to its earlier state.


The Message ID: ZFS-8000-72 indicates a pool was unable to be opened due to a detected corruption in the pool metadata.